Freeing yourself from obstacles and stepping forward

Sahara Wind asks, “When will things be in place so I can let go of the practical job I am doing for financial support and embrace the work I feel so connected and passionate with. Are there obstacles or only perceived ones?”

You are answering her own question, my dear.  The obstacles are those you create to keep you from stepping forward.  All beings should pursue their wonder, their path, for in that they are unlimited and free and to achieve all of the wonder.  I do not deny the knowledge that is needed to live in the physical world, certain tokens.  But see it as a need for help, survival, to find joy.  Not as a certain bit of candy at a certain time but an actual tonic for life.  Put in place freeing yourself my child and it shall be.

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  1. Anni July 16, 2010 at 11:04 am - Reply

    Dear Jane,

    I have a few questions. I know that each relationship I am attracting is a opportunity for growth. I am in the midst of letting go of a man that has issues with being with one person at the time. He is adopted and I don’t think he has been dealing with all of that. I am not able to carry him anymore since he has been hurting me on an emoational level. I want to know if there are anything I need to know why I attracted this person in to my life. I also would love to know if I should do the application for my Master’s in Counselling/Psychology this year so I can start next September at the university or should I concentrate getting back on my feet financially? Thank you for your help. Blessing, Anni

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