Ghosts and Spirits, Psychic Consultant Medium Author Jane Kennard

Ghosts – People That Have Left The Physical Domain But Their Spirit Has Chosen Not To Go On

We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think of as people who have passed away but they have not gone to spirit. They’re still here. Is that right?

Spirit Guide’s Reply:
Yes, the word you use refers to people that have left the physical domain but their spirit has chosen not to go on, not to remove themselves from it completely to understand what their life’s path was. They instead stay very much stuck in a place of no growth. And they will often stay exactly as they were, but of course many times do not understand that they cannot be seen.

Until there is a person that is very open and very sensitive might see them, and see their presence and in fact help them to move forward.

Once, I don’t know if I was tired or if it was imagination, but I thought I saw a fellow sitting in my living room.

Spirit Guide:
You certainly did.

Is he still in my home?

Spirit Guide:
No. You live very close to where he did live, and he is just simply still wandering.

Ah. So when people see them, do they see them in a form. When people see them do they see them in the form that they last were in?

Spirit Guide:

Sometimes people see shadows. Why would you see a shadow rather than the form?

Spirit Guide:
It is up to the intuitive or the sensitive nature of the person seeing. If you are open and aware you will see forms or feel the energy changes. If you are extremely sensitive and open you will actually see their body, though it no longer exists in the physical form.

One time I didn’t see a ghost but I heard a big clunk and a camera that had been in a box was on the floor. Was that something done by a spirit or a ghost?

Spirit Guide:

So they can actually move objects?

Spirit Guide:
Yes. It takes a great deal of their energy to do it.

And why would they do that? Just trying to get our attention?

Spirit Guide:
They don’t know that they are not present in your world. They were drawn to that for it was an energy field that they could actually move.

And some houses seem to have that energy more than others. Is that true?

Spirit Guide:

And they’re drawn to that, I guess.

Spirit Guide:
Sometimes they don’t know they can get out of there.

So they’re stuck in there.

Spirit Guide:

What should one do, then, if you see someone sitting in your living room?

Spirit Guide:
Tell them to go to the light. Tell them that they are loved and there are many waiting for them, and they are not alone. Identify that they are lost and maybe they’re afraid, but they needn’t be, because if they just look they will see those that have come to help them.

Can they hear us if we speak to them?

Spirit Guide:
You must speak out loud if it is what you would call a ghost. A spirit guide does not need your voice to hear you.

Would it be part of our learning to go through that process of being a ghost? Would we choose that? Is it something we all have to go through, or does it just happen because of shock of death?

Spirit Guide:
It’s as individual as you are. Some may need to have that experience but very seldom does it actually help your energy grow, because it’s a place of no growth.

It’s my understanding that someone who died suddenly before they were prepared would have a tendency to stay as a ghost, not ready to move forward. Is that truth?

Spirit Guide:
Perhaps from the sudden exit of the physical domain, but most beings that stay are ones that were very stubborn… and very unwilling to see anything but their own desires. And they just are refusing to accept anything but what they believe is their truth. And so they do not see all that is possible.

Not too dissimilar to many people you see walking about in your world. When they pass into spirit they often stay in the same state. But they are not alone. Not while you’re in the physical domain or if you’re stuck in between.

That’s what it is: in between. Some are actually still repeating the same actions over and over again. Can they harm you? No. They can frighten you if you were not prepared to see them and you have evolved to the state where you are able to.

Or. if perhaps, they are doing such a structured routine that it is seen over and over again. That may frighten you, but that’s your choice…

Like a door banging?

Spirit Guide:
Yes. Like a temper tantrum taking place, because of inability to move forward. They are not trying to frighten you. They are confused.

Thank you



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  1. Ruvey October 1, 2024 at 11:16 pm - Reply

    What is the guidance on how to become open and aware….in order to help these beings?

  2. Jane Kennard October 1, 2024 at 11:42 pm - Reply

    Dear Ruvey, what a kind and loving soul you are to ask for a ghost’s best interests.

    I do indeed always want to communicate with a ghost or spirit that is present. Firstly, I would speak out loud to them. Unlike Guides they cannot hear one’s thoughts. They believe they are still present in the physical world. Upon getting them to talk to me or at least listen, I always talk to the Guides that are still with them, and yes they can be having trouble with them too. Oftentimes they are waiting for someone. I will tell them they are loved and there are loved ones waiting for them. To look for the light and go towards it.

    Many times I’ve experienced them being afraid because they don’t realize they are no longer physical. I’ve even experienced them being afraid of their Guides thinking they are ghosts! Sometimes they just need to hear that the ones they are looking for or wanting to talk to are waiting for them. 

    Since their personality is the same as it was in their physical life, they can be stubborn and refuse any communication too.  

    There are places that seem like they are haunted but this is only a memory on the energy of an event. Not an intellectual Being that can communicate with you. Those instances can be helped too by bringing light and love into the space. 

    Always, one must realize a ghost cannot hurt you. They might be very afraid and confused, only trying to communicate. Be still, they may be drawn to your light. Send them love and tell them to go to the light. 


  3. Kara October 10, 2024 at 1:01 pm - Reply

    Where are that being’s (the ghost’s) spirit guides whilst that being is wandering and stuck? Do they not reach out, or do they step back and wait? Why are their guides not inviting, reaching, imploring that lost, stuck soul to ‘go to the light’? If we all have teams of light beings helping and guiding throughout this life, why are they not helping and guiding those stuck in limbo? If you truly love someone, you don’t abandon them when they’re stuck in hell

    • Jane Kennard October 10, 2024 at 4:42 pm - Reply

      Dear Kara, thank you for your message. I absolutely agree with you. Truth being told, they are. Just as in the physical domain, so it is in spirit. You have free will, and if you choose to not accept the love and help from your Guides, so shall it be. Guides do wait for you to grow. It might take a long time, it might take a very long time. It is up to you. You choose, your free will, your growth. It is always true, too, that any love and light that you send anyone, alive or passed, has an effect. It might be the light that shows them the way.
      Light and Love, Jane

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