How can I become open and aware in order to help ghosts move forward

How can I become open and aware in order to help ghosts move forward?

Question from Ruvey:
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?

Jane’s Reply:
Dear Ruvey, what a kind and loving soul you are to ask for a ghost’s best interests.

I do indeed always want to communicate with a ghost or spirit that is present. Firstly, I would speak out loud to them. Unlike Guides they cannot hear one’s thoughts. They believe they are still present in the physical world. Upon getting them to talk to me or at least listen, I always talk to the Guides that are still with them, and yes they can be having trouble with them too. Oftentimes they are waiting for someone. I will tell them they are loved and there are loved ones waiting for them. To look for the light and go towards it.

Many times I’ve experienced them being afraid because they don’t realize they are no longer physical. I’ve even experienced them being afraid of their Guides thinking they are ghosts! Sometimes they just need to hear that the ones they are looking for or wanting to talk to are waiting for them.

Since their personality is the same as it was in their physical life, they can be stubborn and refuse any communication too.

There are places that seem like they are haunted when a vision has been seen time after time. Sometimes repeating for centuries, not changing or having any communication with those seeing it. But, this is only a memory on the energy of the place. Not an intellectual Being that can communicate with you. There are many battlefields where violent deaths occurred that can still be seen. It seems violence does leave a mark. Those places can be helped too by bringing light and love into the space.

Always, one must realize a ghost cannot hurt you. They might be very afraid and confused, only trying to communicate. Be still, they may be drawn to your light. Send them love and tell them to go to the light.

On communicating with a ghost, firstly, they are in the dimension you are in. They haven’t crossed over. They are not a Guide, they are not evolved Higher Beings of wisdom. They may be ancient in their ways, or very much like you.

People often feel much more comfortable thinking this familiar presence is someone they know who cares for them. More often than not those with close bonds do stay close, knowing you need them. Especially if you are very sad and struggling with their leaving. Talk to them out loud as you did when they were alive.

In what is called a haunting, well that can be many unique possibilities. It’s usually a misunderstanding of what has transpired and a need for understanding. Beings are very often confused, fearful, and yes ticked off. To communicate with them, you must do what you would do with an alive Being. Be calm, speak respectfully, ask for their Guides or angels to come forward. There is much old folklore about salt and burning sage, ringing bells, covering mirrors, it goes on and on. It’s been my experience, if you want the hocus pocus, scare me scare stuff go right ahead. It would probably entertain them for a bit. There is the possibility of insulting or scaring them. In truth, talk to them, tell them they have no body now and their loved ones are waiting. Perhaps a kind word of understanding, don’t analyze or allow them to get too attached to you. Remember you may be the first person to see or hear them in a very long time, even though time has not advanced for them. Be very clear, if you desire for them to move on, that this is your house now, your time, they need to go forward.

Many times I have gone to help in a house clearing. When people get to understand why ghosts are there, I will say to them, now tell the ghost to go. It is your home now. But, the people who now own the house won’t do it. They feel sorry or have empathy for the spirit. They are really just people without a body. They are the same energy of the One.

How would I develop the ability to see ghosts and to hear what they are saying?

Sometimes they talk, sometimes they demonstrate. They can manifest or talk or make movements.

Is there a way for someone to develop the ability to see them?

I suppose standing in the energies, you might feel cold spots or hot. Sometimes a smell. I think it’s a matter of the energies. When speaking with Guides it’s a lifting feeling. Ghosts are much more grounded, you feel it in your gut. Hear with your ears, feel with your skin. It is a present feeling. I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it in these terms, but it is different. For me, it is more like when I’m reading a person in my presence.

So a person can practice being more sensitive, more aware of these things? The more they practice, the easier it will be? And, will it become a natural thing to do?

I think the process of tuning into your Guide is getting to know yourself and how you be in your world… basically loving oneself. Trust, asking for that bond.

Tuning into another Being, is knowing oneself and expanding into the space or room with the intention to be one with, to communicate.

I would believe that most Beings would communicate with a person on a bond of love. It would be different if one wanted to reach a being you had no bond with.

Would you ever give someone asking how to do this a warning so-to-speak – once you open this door, there is no way to close it?

A warning? No. Guides say once you’ve grown you can’t ‘un-grow’, you can’t unlearn. Fear has to be the biggest hurdle.

There are all kinds of gizmos to detect ghosts. But, you are a receiver. If your filter is full of love, you will hear and see them.

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