
How Do You Connect Your Mind To Your Heart?

Dear Spirit Guides, Thank you so much for the insight into my situation with my past partner. It gives me some understanding to the situation and what I need to do for myself. I know I must work on connecting with and understanding my emotions. Thank you! Can you give me some understanding as to what specific things I should be doing to learn about my emotions, to learn to be gentle with myself and become strong and confident again? I am asking for some guidance on the path I should follow and how to recognize the path I should follow. Thank you for all the love!

Spirit Guide’s Reply:
Yes, my dear, you are a lot in your mind and you are just now realizing there is a whole domain called the emotion. It is funny how other partners in your life need that part of you more so than the intellect and the theories.

So, dearest one, how do you connect your mind to your heart?

It is a scary thing sometimes if you’ve let one or the other out of control and dominate your whole being, but it is not impossible blessed one, not impossible. To speak from your heart give it words. When you feel that smashing in your chest and you feel if you don’t do something you are going to burst–put words to it. If you are afraid to do this out in public, then do it in your quiet time. Ask yourself: What are you telling me? Are you afraid to speak? These are the emotional states you need to grow in my dear.

How to be? Be in your body, be aware of it. Feel its sensations: how your skin feels, how your blood rushes, how you feel warm when around someone you like or want to be with, or how you get a shiver down your spine when you feel desperately uncomfortable. This is how you proceed to get to know who you are.

You have been very heady, my dear. You’ve had every theory and thought so that you would never feel foolish. Darling, there is nothing foolish about being. It is a wondrous state. A being is never stronger than when being gentle and willing to be weak. You will find it so my blessed one.

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  1. k November 28, 2010 at 8:42 pm - Reply

    hello and thank you so much for this blog. g.p. – why are we continuing to collide? i thought it was done. does he ever wonder what it would be like if he’d made another choice, taken a chance, spent some time. is he ever sad, or in pain about it all or anything? i understand you cannot tell much about another but certainly there is something that can be said to ease the disaster within? is there any point in continuing or are we still at a dead end? is there a word, a song, a name, place, a scent, a picture, anything that will evoke a specific memory, anything that I can suggest to him that will allow an opening? thank you for your patience and love.

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