Information about opening to her spirit guides
Tricia wou ld like to know who her guides are. She also asks, “Should I continue with Ger Lyons workshops to open me up to be a vehicle of light and love in the world?”
She has entities numbering five at this time, or guides as you call them. They are very, very strong and individual beings, not one conglomerate. Much of this teaching has already taken place. Whether she continues or not will be entirely up to her. She is finding some personality conflicts and that is something she must listen to especially because she has very strong entities that are trying to work with her and through her.
I will leave it up to them to communicate with her who they are as it is not my place to do so. But tell her that she is very safe in opening and not to fear anything. Anybody who puts fear in this realm is wrong. I will say that she is quite capable of speaking with her guides on her own.
I have been told many times that I am a very old soul and that I come from a group of very strong women. I’m curious who my guides are can you tell me? While I realize that I am the one having to make the choices in my life, can I ask my guides to show me the way? I am feeling very overwhelmed in my life right now and suspect that there are changes about to come in my life, decision that I have to make. Will this feeling of confusion and lack of motivation come to an end soon. I just want to get on with my life in a positive and happy way. Do you see new people coming into my life making changes in my life as well? Thanks you for any insight you can give me.
Hi, I am wondering if you could help me figure out why I do not enjoy being in social situations. I often dread doing things or going places where I need to make conversation, and most times would prefer to be alone (although it seems I am rarely alone). Is it because I feel so ugly most of the time? Or is it something else? I ask for and am so grateful for any advice (regarding this problem or anything else) that the guides might have for me. Thank you so much for this opportunity to ask. I love the wisdom in this blog so much, it is so helpful, even when the questions aren’t mine.
Dear J- sorry this is advice since I can relate to this feeling too: A book you might want to read is ” The Highly Sensitive Person” by Elaine Aron REALLY helped me and will make you feel better, and realize this is not a social curse but rather a gift… it is a well known book and on amazon too i think. There is a series of books the same author has written and one is even a workbook one can use as well. I read it in one night. Anyway.. weird i opened up this of all the archives i could have chosen (i have limited time tonight to check this site out..) so perhaps it’s fate:) Good luck and check that book out, i really feel it will make you feel better and reassure you more than anything. Take care