You live in a time of great change, Jane Kennard, Circles within Circles

It is a time of great change–but do not fear it

Tell the blessed beings that are present now in your world that this is a time of great change and upheaval in many ways.  But do not fear it. Do not fear it, but embrace it. There are good things at hand. There is nothing to fear but fear in its ugliest state, when it is out of control. You know, you initially have this ability to have different hormones coursing through your body when you feel threatened. And that was all very good when you were primitive beings. Now just simply thinking something fearful causes this to happen and it can cause illness for people. So try to neutralize that by replacing the fear with love. Take a moment, be still, and take a deep breath and realize all is well.

At hand now in your world there is great chaos but it is all going to be better. It is the overturn of souls and each and every one of you chose to be here at this time. So ways that were in the past will change, religions will change, theories…. Amazing things will change. Cures you’re going to see, wonderful things opening up allowing the balance of all beings one to another. Spiritually there is going to be a great release of tension so that others will accept and see all beings.

You see borders have caused many problems and separation by other things. And it isn’t necessarily having money or not having money, but it’s being open to the world. And much of this has happened through the communications that you are all doing. I know many think these are negative but there are many positive things being done. And of course when communication first starts it’s going to swing wildly in every direction until it’s balanced.

So–be still. Be present in your world. Never more important than to step up and to speak your truth. Even if you don’t exactly know your truth, be present, be willing to say what you feel at that moment. It’s true, your truth may change from one day to the next, but in that changing you’re growing–and you’re teaching others to be willing to do it too.



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  1. Ramona June 23, 2018 at 10:15 am - Reply

    I love your messages about the importance, and beauty, of being one’s own authentic self!

    You refer to “the overturn of souls.” It sounds “serious” and dramatic. Have you explained what this means in any of your posts? I am curious.


  2. Joanna June 23, 2018 at 6:42 pm - Reply

    Hi Ramona,
    If you enter the word “overturn” into the search box at the bottom of the page it will bring up every post on the topic. There are quite a few of them. Hope this helps.

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