
It’s Christmas Eve. Open your hearts and hear the angels sing.


When I was very young I would go outside on Christmas Eve. It was easier for me to hear my Guide and I would be told stories of how Christmas was in times past. To this day I still go outside for a walk every Christmas Eve. It’s a few minutes to be alone under that amazing sky and to “Be”, to feel “One” with all. I take big, deep breaths, releasing from my mind all the horrific actions that occur in this world. I ask that we all put down our fears and open our hearts. Seeing and being, heart-to-heart in all our wonder, living and growing in peace and love, all under the same embracing sky.


This year I asked my Guide what he would like to say to this world. His words are, “In your world of constant change, some things will never change. You are all of God. And even in the darkest night of winter, an angel will talk to you. Open your hearts and hear the angels sing.”

I wish you the best of this season.




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One Comment

  1. Santosh March 2, 2016 at 6:30 am - Reply

    You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!

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