Looking for new love and meaning in life

Omaloma   writes, “Two life changing events have happened within the last month, the most recent on Wed. Sept 29/10. I am trying very hard to stay present and positive, but feel like I have lost my purpose in life.  Will my life take on a new meaning again? Will someone come into my life (after I have “cleaned up my inner life, in counseling and seeing life coach)? Loneliness is such an insidious monster!

Yes, loneliness, disappointment, sadness.  Why?  All of these words fill this gentle being at this time.  This is a being of light and love.  Of course, there will be love again.  Dear one, you must be willing to open your heart to it.  Allow yourself time. You have always the great ability to love again, to trust. You might feel lonely now, but you believe and so it shall be, blessed one.

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  1. H October 23, 2010 at 2:57 am - Reply

    Dear guides.. I have read that conception takes place in ‘spirit’ prior to the physical act, and that children choose their parents. I wonder is there a child ‘waiting’ for me to meet THEIR other chosen parent in this life-time? My confusion is do some children know that their choice of parents, will not give them the opportunity to ALL live together in love and support…..or is what happens post-conception not pre-destined.

  2. clf October 23, 2010 at 10:36 am - Reply

    My husband has recently decided to retire although the plan had been to work another year in order to set us up better financially. His decision was rather sudden(I know that like many he was not happy with the company’s policy and pressure) but since making the announcement he doesnt seem as happy as I thought he would be.
    I am wondering if something happened and he can no longer do the work properly or does he have more concerns with his health?
    This is of course a big change and initially I was concerned about our future, now I find that I worried about him.
    Could you please give me some insight as to what is going on with him?
    Thank you.

  3. lgp October 23, 2010 at 11:39 am - Reply

    As a 60 year old woman who has spent most of her life alone, I decided I could handle everything on my own. But I have a problem with money as I am always short because I am trapped with financial obligations. I need to get a better paying job within my workplace but am not happy with the thought of working there another five years. Are there other possibilities for me at my age? or should I just buck up and get on with it? I know I am responsible for my actions but I feel I keep getting nowhere fast.

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