Love crosses all barriers

Love2Marilyn – I’m having difficulty with my health. When I awake in the morning I feel well.  As the day progresses, I have a ringing in my ears and feel unsteady and so very tired.  There are some days I really struggle.  Do you have any guidance for me?

The guide who came through to answer this question we refer to as the “great mother.” To listen to this message, please click here Guide

Dearest one, there is great tension in your body.  You do not even breathe to the depth of your diaphragm.   When you wake you are relaxed  and have been breathing, but as you arise and move through your days, your mind makes such tension for your body.  You are living in what will be instead of what is and how it is now.

At hand, you have great learning.  To be immersed in this, to not fight against it, but to just simply embrace it, to love and to see that love crosses all barriers, to understand that your thoughts are making you sick in many ways, dearest.

There is always a part of the human condition where you want to have answers for things, but answers do not come because it is at hand; to be, just simply to be, to sit in it, to feel it, to allow tears to be, both joy and unhappiness.  But to understand that the moments within them are rich and dear and full. Do not plague yourself with what should, or shouldn’t be, but what is.

Even in the midst of the greatest of saddest and deprivation, the spirit can always see love.  I don’t need to tell you of this, my dear.  You have read of many wonderful things and you are truly wanting to be optimistic about all things, but you are confused.

Let go of all conditions of that mind. You are not those thoughts, you are greater than this. Be the light that you are and see the light in this beautiful child.  See the light in others that you be with.  Be still with them, right now.  Perhaps practice this with all things. You don’t have to have the answers for simply “being” is the answer.

You live in a time where everyone has a theory and a condition that can be fixed instantaneously. It is not so, my dear.  Learning takes your time, or an instant.  You choose.

Your society will offer you certain medications that will help with this.  But if you take some time in the midst of your day to sit quietly and breathe deeply to not have thoughts.  Many beings have chanted, many beings sing.  They do this to keep the mind busy on something while the spirit aligns.

Don’t be angry with your mind.  It is an amazing gift.  But it is not who you are.  It just simply carries certain commands that you give it.  Bless you, my child. You are not alone.

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