On apples and the big picture
Here’s another conversation from a long-ago channeling session.
What is the purpose of all of this evolving?
To evolve is a natural order. It a growing, it is natural. You cannot arrest this growth. And you have come to a time when it is your spirits that are growing. Not to say your spirits haven’t been growing in the past. But they have been doing growth through the physical—and now it is time to grow and expand on its own, with the aid of your physical being.
Lessons can be learned through the physical or through the spirit. I shall give you an example. Think of yourself as an apple (since there is much speaking of fruit). Through your many lifetimes this apple that is you has been concentrating on its flesh, its skin, its color, its taste, of sweetness or tartness, and the lessons learned form other apples around it.
Now you have evolved to a time when it is not just your apple, but your branch and your tree, and your roots, and the air… and the water that feeds you. Do you understand?
Is this so for everybody in the world or just those that are more evolved?
No, not everyone. There are many apples that are just concerned about the barrel of apples. But now you have opened yourselves to a wider scene. You have become aware that there is more than just you and a core.
And after the air, then what?
Hmnnn. Not to rot, that’s for sure. There is a cycle that evolves, and it is not totally clear even for us. It is the whole and the infiniteness of that that you call God, that which we call Mother Energy. It is neither created, nor is it destroyed. It has no beginning, and no end.
There is symbol we use of a circle within a circle within a circle, continuous, never-ending. You evolve from this plane. I should explain—you come as a piece of Mother Energy, a very small piece, a very erratic piece to be quite honest. And you have the gift of free will. And this lovely energy that is set within the being thus begins to grow. And with each lesson that this physical being encournters, the vibrations quickens or heightens. An over many years—and lifetimes, and experiences—eventually the vibrations becomes too intense to dwell within your being, to dwell within a phlysical being and in a physical plane.
Thus you evolve to that which we are. And that is by no means the end. For we then evolve through ehe aid of you to higher realms. Each evolving causes a greater vibraion. And there are other spheres that you visit as well.
Can you explain how it is we help you to evolve?
It is amazing that you would not know! You help us by simply allowing us to guide you. It is as if, yes, teacher and student. But we simply aid, a small bit.