Past life connection with a grandson

Missdynamicsoul  asks if you could tell her something about her past lives.  Also she asks, “Could you tell me about my connection with my grandson, Brome?”

The guide’s response:

This blessed one has had many past lives.  The expression, or lifetime, we often call them expressions, they become part of you.  The lifetime that she perhaps should perhaps to try to tune in the most  (although none are important as they are what was and this is what is now)…. In this lifetime she was a great creator of art. She  helped many that could not speak, or hear, or see to express themselves through art, never thinking how art helped her in that life. It was not until close to leaving it that she saw how creative she was. And there is still a part of her needing to  be this creative.

Perhaps she is asking at this same time about her grandson because her grandson was in this life I speak of, helping her to find her creativity.  She sees now that deep connection and it isn’t one that has words.  It often isn’t when they have been full and rich, it is a deep bond, a knowing that “Here we are again to rejoice, to be together, to support one another in whatever promise is at hand.”  It is a rich and wonderful reunion, yes.

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  1. Bubby February 15, 2011 at 1:32 pm - Reply

    Dear Guides,
    I’m searching for clarity, and I realize I am going through a growth period. What I need is inspiration as I am healed by these beautiful words of wisdom so often. I’m sure you know what I need to hear to help me stay strong when fear kicks in. Why am I feeling as if I am in a funk and that my energy is repressed? I’m so grateful for your guidance, thank you.

  2. The Thinker February 19, 2011 at 2:24 pm - Reply

    Please can you tell me about my past life connection with L and B. Were they platonic or romantic, friends or family, negative or positive and did we make any promises which are yet to be fulfilled in this life? I have been told that I belong to the same soul group as L! Is this true as I don’t think he recognises any ‘past knowing’? I appreciate any insight you can offer, with Thanks.

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