Reading the book of who you are

BJ writes:

I have recently retired from a job that brought much gratification into my life.  I loved my work.  It was through a lot of soul searching that I made the decision to retire but felt that there are other things for me to do.  Since my retirement,  I have made a trip overseas to help celebrate my sister’s birthday, which was a joyous celebration full of love and laughter.  But since my return from this trip I have not been able to get my life into some semblance of order.  I feel that I’m not putting my time to good use but by the same token feel that there has to be a reason for this feeling of lack of motivation.  I am aware that I’m spending far too much time on trying to control the things I would like in my life rather than just letting them happen.  Perhaps you could give me some insight as to whether or not I am on the right path and that those things I so desire will come to me?

The guide’s response:

It is always very difficult to change a routine that has become very ingrained in a being and this is where you be, my gentle soul.  At first, it is all exciting and you go off and you have a holiday.  But then when you get back and you have to begin again, to do, to be and not wanting to sit in your pyjamas all day long, you find some sort of routine, something important.  But there is still a feeling within you that you need to find a ritual, a routine of something that makes you feel good about yourself.

Well, the most amazing thing about walking in the physical world is you create that that you need to do.  And that that is presented in front of you is what you need to do. You need to understand your whole process.  It is not time yet to launch forward into that that you are going to do.  There are three avenues of which you will take up. They will be very exciting, they will be self promoting, self empowering.  You will be very happy about them, but not yet.  Don’t rush forward through this time because you will miss some very important steps.

It is very important before you step onto the next rung of a life’s path to stop and examine all that you have done. Your world right now is in such a hurry about moving forward and not taking stock of what has happened and how successful you are.   It helps you to recharge your directions and energies for that that lies ahead. It is an important thing to do nothing.  You think of doing nothing as some terrible curse.  It is not.  It is taking stock, it is inventory.  It is re-reading a few old books of who you are.  It is the most blessed thing to do for your self.

So, take your time now holding that wonderful light into the fact that you have three things, one of which I didn’t explain you are going to do.  It will be very exciting. First, when it starts you will be afraid and hesitant to launch into something that you would have never seen yourself doing.  But it is a very good spiritual path and it will be good for you.

May I ask how you are able to tune into these things that are ahead on this individual’s path?

Oh, it is all part of the one, the energy around us.  Because you are dwelling in the physical form right now and it limits you to seeing what I am in — this amazing network, this energy field. How can I give you a vision of what it is?  You think about your lines and your electricity and your circuitry?  Well, it is like that. You are all connected, you are not separate.   You all have huge spheres around you of information about all that you have been and were and the promises you have yet to do.  I can connect to these as simply as you would—do I hear you call it goggle something?

Yes, we can google something.

I can do the same thing except I do not use any mechanical route.


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  1. maurice November 24, 2011 at 8:31 am - Reply

    dear friends! I don’t know what to do no more. i’m very depress. i’m almost 50 years old, no job, no money, no love life.I wonder what i did to deserve that? always been there for others always tried to help them. Always learned in my life since i was young… do those things and “God” will help you.???? Well i’m probalby not on is list. Only hope that, my time is near, im tired of that life. We heard about hell! well “hell” is on earth and not on the other side.

  2. TB November 24, 2011 at 12:43 pm - Reply

    This past year has been very difficult emotionly and physically. My partner severed our relationship in an email addressed to my office. Needless to say, I was both surprised and wounded! I have put a lot of energy into the process of healing, but feel I still have a little more to accomplish. My life today is definitely better than it was a year ago…, having said that, I am so ready to welcome a new life’s partner! Dear Spirit Guides can you give me some indication that I am on the right path and someone is looking for me also?

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