Jane Kennard Spirit Wisdom Podcast: Realizing the Truth of You

Realizing the Truth of You

Discovering your truth and being the light that you are.

You are a fracture of this amazing energy that connects you to the oneness. Within you lies the most powerful creative force beyond the knowledge of man.

Who really knows you? Another light. Another person who knows their light. And that is what I think we seek in each other.

At this time, when we are being told to self-isolate and stay away from one another, we must not ever forget that the bond between people, it’s invisible. And, it can stretch around the earth and beyond dimensions.

So still be in touch with everyone you love.

And, even those you don’t know yet.

Tell them, you love them.

Tell them you hold the space in love for them.

Give them space to heal, to breathe, to be.

During this podcast, I suggest a practice, or meditation, to help you focus, connect and explore the truth of who you are and how you be.


Jane Kennard Spirit Wisdom Podcast: Realizing the Truth of You

Portrait photos from Unsplash

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One Comment

  1. Clarke April 16, 2022 at 6:45 am - Reply

    Dear Jane, I love your latest podcast entitled ‘Realizing the Truth of You’. Your voice is soothing and calming. Thank you for making everything seem so much easier. I will put your meditation into practice. Thank you for the love you so freely share with others. ❤

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