Reconciling the scientist and the believer

Irtsa writes, “ All my life, I have been on the fence in regard to spirit: my inner scientist (the archetype created by my biological scientist-father) has one view of things (skeptical, un-attached, looking at the data without drawing any conclusions); and the inner child, who, wide-eyed, believes all the stories put to her with verve and vividness.

These two modalities have trouble accepting each other. And so I have trouble reconciling the two. How can I create relationship and harmony between the two? And is this necessary to do, in order to be able to be more consciously in touch with my spirit guides? I truly would like to know something about them. Can you tell me something of them?”

Of course she is going to have scientific entities surround her and it is not surprising that she first must query all things. How could this be? She understands that even time can be slowed down.  The many things that are not seen by the human eye do exist.  For this will be her path to her enlightenment. Dear, do not see any of the scientific as negative for it is not so.  Only if you put blinders or limitations upon yourself then you could be in state of no growth.  That could be considered negative if left too long.  The entities that surround you–one is a physician, one a spirit alchemist and one was a wild and wondrous witch.  I am not surprised that you dance with it all. Continue my dear.  It is good.

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  1. Nancy D'anjou July 12, 2010 at 11:11 pm - Reply

    My dear guides, can you hear me when I ask your help at night or even during my day , when I cannot center myself? I have try some meditation to help me to be more in the moment when I feel lost and not center. I don’t know if I am in the right direction of what I am suppose to be doing??? I seem always get frustated when I get not hear my voice when I have some decision to make concerning my life desicion , move, career and love.I do feel the loneliness the fear get in the way and I do try hard to remind myself and tell myself that my life has to be better then this something as to be better then this …I wait and stay still even the pain …I my in the right direction??? ..The reality of missing love in my life as been one of the hardest to experiences the human touch and love …( meaning a love relationship with a man.) Can you help me so I could figure out the diretion to take?
    Thank you , Namaste..

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