Searching for clarity

ClarityFaith:  Thank you for this!  I have just moved through a tumultuous time, leaving a bond….moving …can you please comment on this? I find myself struggling to make sense of the turbulence.

Oh blessed one, you have been trying to make sense of turbulence for a very long time and your actions truly gave you clarity.  You are simply looking back right now and re-accessing what you have already chosen.  Be not afraid, blessed one.  It was a very necessary move, a need to breathe, a need to be.

Clarity isn’t something that you sit before your path and know exactly what you need to do.  It is a sense and understanding within your being that you can now move and breathe and be on your own.  Worry not that you caused great pain.  It was the pain that you caused for yourself that you had to free yourself from.  Growth is an individual thing and you must grow for you my blessed one.  Be at peace with your choice.

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  1. Friend August 2, 2013 at 8:34 pm - Reply

    I am writing this on behalf of my friend, who would like to ask you these questions:
    She is in a difficult time once again and she would like to know if her relationship with her partner is worth saving and working on. She wants to know if it is going to be worth while, and worth continuing, or if it has ran its course. If it is worth continuing to put energy into, what is the purpose or lesson it is trying to show.
    Thank you

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