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Jane Kennard Psychic Medium Channel Shared Wisdom Logo
Jane Kennard Psychic Medium Channel Shared Wisdom Logo
Shared Wisdom2020-03-05T16:28:33-08:00

Can We Become Conscious Of Past Life Experiences?

Question: I would like to ask if we can become conscious of past life experiences, and also whether incarnations exist separately on the spirit level or if they are somehow connected. Spirit Guide's Reply: All incarnations or experiences are connected, for they are connected within your vibration. Every experience, every path, every lifetime is present [...]

How can we know when it’s fear talking and when is it our intuition?

Question: How do you get in touch with that? How do you trust? Spirit Guide's Reply: Firstly, be in the moment. Do you know what that is? Don’t be in yesterday or tomorrow. Don’t be [...]

Can The Spirit Guides Speak About Our World Today And How Human Beings Are Evolving?

Question: What are some of the amazing changes happening for humans on our earth now that we may not be fully aware of or that may not be openly shared in the media? Spirit Guide's [...]

Ghosts – People That Have Left The Physical Domain But Their Spirit Has Chosen Not To Go On

Facilitator: We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think of as people who have passed away but they have not gone to spirit. They’re still here. Is that right? Spirit Guide’s Reply: Yes, the [...]

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