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Jane Kennard Psychic Medium Channel Shared Wisdom Logo
Jane Kennard Psychic Medium Channel Shared Wisdom Logo
Shared Wisdom2020-03-05T16:28:33-08:00

Asking For Help To Move Forward In My Work

Question: I wish to move forward in my meaningful work but do not see a way financially. How can this open up? So grateful for your higher perspective. Spirit Guide's Reply: Dear one, you think to the point that you exhaust your mind. You are always trying to have your foot on that next step [...]

Is there an avenue that is easiest for me to receive income that I’m not consciously aware of?

Question: Elizabeth asks, I am wondering if you can give me practical advice. Is there an avenue that is easiest for me to receive income that I’m not consciously aware of? Would the lab work [...]

Guidance For Our Times From A Very High Dimensional Spirit Guide

Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being receive this understanding. Do not plague yourself with anxiety but open to the newness of that that is about [...]

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