Asking For Help To Move Forward In My Work
Question: I wish to move forward in my meaningful work but do not see a way financially. How can this open up? So grateful for your higher perspective. Spirit Guide's Reply: Dear one, you think to the point that you exhaust your mind. You are always trying to have your foot on that next step [...]
Is there an avenue that is easiest for me to receive income that I’m not consciously aware of?
Question: Elizabeth asks, I am wondering if you can give me practical advice. Is there an avenue that is easiest for me to receive income that I’m not consciously aware of? Would the lab work [...]
Listening To Pain In The Body
Question: I am asking about a pain and hardening in my right leg. What is the cause and how can I heal this problem?
How To Make A Strong Connection With Your Spirit Guides
Who is my guide and how do I make the connection to get the help I need?
It Is Time
Blessed one... it is time to walk upon your physical plane in a gentler, more accepting way. To see that it has an energy, a soul you might say. To see that all things are energy. And you
Are There Really Such Things As Faeries?
There are faeries, my dear. Everything is energy. What beings have called faeries or guides, they are often seen as orbs of light. Many beings often give them the form of
Guidance For Our Times From A Very High Dimensional Spirit Guide
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being receive this understanding. Do not plague yourself with anxiety but open to the newness of that that is about [...]