Desire To Trust, But Feeling Fearful
Question: Dear Guides, you had asked if I want to trust him? My answer is yes. But how can I? Doubts still crop up and I feel a lot of anxiety at such times. You said he is a good man, I know so to a large extent he is. Why do I still feel [...]
Circles within circles
Each being is a circle, a wholeness - body, spirit, past, present and forward willingness to future. Each of these parts of you are circles within you. For all things must come full turn to be whole.
Affirmations – A Positive, Loving Direction Forward
If understanding that everything is energy, an intention is energy. A thought is energy which can create movement. Create an affirmation. A positive thought. A creative thought. A forward moving thought. A forgiveness thought. A [...]
When you are confused, go to a place where the wind can touch your face
I recently moved to the coast and wonder what that is going to look like for me. Am I meant to be here? Well, relocating is somewhat of a strange thing. When a person goes away and [...]
It is such a huge job to be a parent. Do you have any guidance on that?
It is the most amazing, growing time in the physical world. When you offer the opportunity to a spirit to come through you, if you will stand and nurture and protect that being, you have already [...]
Do We Have Anything To Fear From Artificial Intelligence?
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 4 minute conversation with a Spirit Guide channeled by Psychic Medium Jane Kennard. Hear the High-Dimensional Guide reply to questions about Artificial Intelligence. *Permission received to publish replies to [...]
Solar Eclipse, Stonehenge, Terra Infinita Map, Evolution & Beyond: Insights from Spirit Guides in a High-Dimensional Conversation
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 37 minute conversation with different Spirit Guides channeled by Psychic Medium Jane Kennard. Hear the High-Dimensional Guides reply to questions about the Solar Eclipse, Stonehenge, the Terra Infinita Map, [...]