Remember That Your Guides Are With You
There are a lot of people who feel alone right now. I think that feeling alone is part of being in a human body. I think you need to feel alone once in a while. I think you need to know that you are separated from the love that is a part of you. That’s [...]
Why Are We So Stuck On Material Things?
Many people are worried about material things, so we asked the Guides, why can Human Beings be so materialistic? This is how the Guide replied: To fill that space within that needs to be filled. [...]
What is my soul’s purpose and life’s path?
Sent in through my website, this person's question asked, "What is my soul’s purpose and life’s path?" This is how the Guide replied: Your life path is the one that you are present in now. [...]
Confucius say, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." His words are so true, but I know it as this. Before enlightenment the chopping of wood is a chore to [...]
Love is what is needed to be given to a father
I don't think it's easy to be a father. Our world is complicated with expectations of what a father is supposed to be.
You will never falter if you stand in love
A guide talks about psychic development What specific education on psychic development do I need? None. Absolutely none. Trust in yourself. Breathe deeply of every moment. For each experience in your day is an opportunity, [...]
The Bond Of Love: Psychic Medium Jane Kennard Channels A High-Dimensional Guide
Jane Kennard received this question: Do souls recognize other souls after? We just can't imagine that our love for each other could not be eternal. Read the transcription of the session where Jane channeled a [...]