State of our world right now

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThere are a very large numbers of evolved beings and a very large number that are brand new.

Of course, their needs, their wants are very far apart but not so much that it can’t be healed and a bridge can be made.   For the ancient ones must find ways to communicate to the new souls.

And some if it must be out of all flash and dance and noise makers to get their attention.

So, don’t expect it to be calm and peaceful this path.  It will be quite noisy and there will be bravado on both sides.

I know you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the chaos.  There is growth happening and trust in this my dear ones.

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  1. imageace April 20, 2013 at 9:51 am - Reply

    I turned to your site because I trust the messages that you receive! I cannot say how timely this message is for me! I AM overwhelmed with what is going on right now. Spirit told me last July that all of this will be occurring and to “look beyond” the headlines to the underlying agendas! I want so much for peace and HONESTY! Why do I keep getting these visions and messages about the dishonesty? I want to remained centered in love and send out light, not battle the injustices!

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