Stay focused in the statement of who you be
I am finally blessed with child, a little boy who has just recently started fluttering around inside my tummy. I am thrilled. I know he is really a special soul and I cannot wait to see and experience the amazing individual he is going to be. My partner and I although we are of similar demeanor, we couldn’t be any more different when you peel away a few layers. I feel I can’t hear myself since I moved in with him. And with this little soul inside me I want now more than ever before to be completely in touch with all that I am meant to. Just know that I have this undying and ever growing need inside me to always understand more and I am full of questions that I don’t even know how to put into words. So pulling one question from my heart, can you please tell me about my guides? A message for me would be a wonderful gift if you could please. Thank you. Love and light to you all.
The guide’s response:
You have always been a very wise being. Always having your own secret wonder, and a belief in the magic that is. You have come to the physical world to bring the light and joy and love of being. You have chosen a path that can have many complications. You wonder if dwelling with this being, this partner, is secure. For you want to be mother earth now, to bring the light and joy to the physical world, to be the love that you are.
Your partner has difficultly being in this physical world. He is conflicted back and forth as to responsibilities. He had a difficult early time in this life and you might find yourself being drawn into that that he needs to learn and to grow. You might find yourself being in a difficult position—so stay focused. But not so much in the questions of what is, but more in the statement of who you be.
You are an amazing being, filled with light and love, trusting in the wonder of life. Do not expect others to meet you there, but know that they must find their own route to it. That does not mean you cannot be who you are, but don’t expect them to be there with you. Love them where they be, for who they are. See them; hear them. And if you find that it is different than who you are, then mirror back to them who they be. So that they can clearly see who they are, and not confuse it with who you be. Blessed one, you are a strong amazing being, and you will do this, and be strong and radiant and loving.
The beings (guides) that are with you now are five in number. One you would call a Native Spirit, and this one calls you to be close to the earth. When you are feeling confused and conflicted, find trees and grass or the strength within stone—things that are of the mineral nature of this planet you dwell upon. One of your blessed guides is a great teacher who will draw you to learn as much as you can about all things. You have always been fascinated with the world that you dwell in. And you are excited to share this with others. So listen. And one of your blessed beings was an iron worker, who helped develop and understand the use of iron in the physical world (one of the many life experiences). And this one will teach you strength in a way you will always admire.
The rest is yet to be known, blessed one. Stay open. Seek their wisdom but trust in your own, always. Remember you are the one that makes the choices; you are the one that is growing, for your own love of self, love of being. Bless you my child, for you are loved.
Please talk to me about my sister. How can I really help her.