The Overturn is a time of chaos. Old souls, evolved beings, believe everyone will play fair. That [...]
Question: I would like to ask if we can become conscious of past life experiences, and also [...]
Question: I wish to move forward in my meaningful work but do not see a way financially. [...]
Question: Dear Guides, you had asked if I want to trust him? My answer is yes. But [...]
Question: I have been a teacher and I have been wanting to do something else. There is a [...]
A Spirit Guide’s message for the New Year: You dwell in a new world, so approach it [...]
There are a lot of people who feel alone right now. I think that feeling alone is [...]
We have come full circle, the energies have aligned. Winter or summer solstice, the energies have stopped [...]
A wonderful Being spoke about traditions teaching us, and it left me thinking. I decided to revisit [...]
Many years ago now, I asked my Guide for a sign or symbol that I could use [...]
Watch the replay YouTube video of Jane’s first online Live Stream Circle Gathering. Jane welcomed friends and [...]
It is very wondrous that those that still have the memories are given the attention to continue [...]
Mother: We’re coming to our festive time of Halloween, where we like to talk about… Spirit Guide: [...]
Question: What are some of the amazing changes happening for humans on our earth now that we [...]
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?
Facilitator: We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think of as people who have passed away [...]
Question: I am asking about a pain and hardening in my right leg. What is the cause and how can I heal this problem?
There are faeries, my dear. Everything is energy. What beings have called faeries or guides, they are often seen as orbs of light. Many beings often give them the form of
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being [...]
Each being is a circle, a wholeness - body, spirit, past, present and forward willingness to future. Each of these parts of you are circles within you. For all things must come full turn to be whole.