Question: I am asking about a pain and hardening in my right leg. What is the cause and how can I heal this problem?
This question was sent in through my website. This entrepreneur asked, “What is holding back my business?” [...]
As part of a question sent in through my website, a young woman expressed concern about her [...]
Many people are worried about material things, so we asked the Guides, why can Human Beings be [...]
Confucius say, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” His words are [...]
I don't think it's easy to be a father. Our world is complicated with expectations of what a father is supposed to be.
I believe this virus is an instrument for our growth. We are present in a time of [...]
Touch can assist circulation and healing of a broken femur I’m asking for guidance around the healing [...]
A guide’s answer reveals that pain in the body manifests a need for emotional healing For a [...]
I struggle with my health. I have sore kidneys, extremely bad sleep therefore low energy, and dry [...]
How do I heal the problem causing me to cough and have mucous. I think it is [...]
After running do I need to replace any minerals, and is it safe to ingest these supplements [...]