Question: I have been a teacher and I have been wanting to do something else. There is a [...]
Many years ago now, I asked my Guide for a sign or symbol that I could use [...]
Watch the replay YouTube video of Jane’s first online Live Stream Circle Gathering. Jane welcomed friends and [...]
Question: What are some of the amazing changes happening for humans on our earth now that we [...]
Blessed one... it is time to walk upon your physical plane in a gentler, more accepting way. To see that it has an energy, a soul you might say. To see that all things are energy. And you
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 4 minute conversation with a Spirit Guide channeled by Psychic Medium [...]
In the lifetime when Jesus was present, can you speak of the true teachings from that time? [...]
Question: Dear Guides, in response to my previous posts you’ve said that I sometimes feel very lost, [...]
Question: Helen asks for clarification of the Guides’ previous response. She says, please can you explain which specific [...]