There are a lot of people who feel alone right [...]
We have come full circle, the energies have aligned. Winter [...]
A wonderful Being spoke about traditions teaching us, and it [...]
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?
Facilitator: We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think [...]
Each being is a circle, a wholeness - body, spirit, past, present and forward willingness to future. Each of these parts of you are circles within you. For all things must come full turn to be whole.
If understanding that everything is energy, an intention is energy. [...]
Connecting with Spirit… Ask and Wait How to wait for [...]
This is something my blessed guide said to me last [...]
Confucius say, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, [...]
I don't think it's easy to be a father. Our world is complicated with expectations of what a father is supposed to be.
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early [...]
“Know that it doesn’t matter what domain you call your [...]
There’s not a day that I don’t feel grateful for [...]
A Prayer As I light this candle today, I ask [...]
Her name is Violet, which is perfect for a nature [...]
It is believed that the females of most species are [...]
I love everything about Christmas. I’m not a follower of [...]