It’s been ages since I’ve had friends here for dinner. Old friends, actually my first spiritual circle. [...]
In times of great joy, there can be great sorrow. A light went out in our community. [...]
Like many people, I have pets, and I buy them toys from time to time. Well, let’s [...]
I have never considered myself a writer. But with these photo and text posts and updates, what [...]
Time, whether it be for yourself or for someone else, is one of the most precious gifts. [...]
Happy, happy day off to get some gifts! I still dress up a bit when I go [...]
A guide talks about homelessness (part 2 of 2) I know some of the people in this [...]
Question: Helen asks for clarification of the Guides’ previous response. She says, please can you explain which specific [...]
From as far back as I remember, I’ve had an awareness of a being that was with [...]
Question: Are spirit guides involved in the life experiences of other organisms besides humans on our earth? [...]