There are a lot of people who feel alone right now. I think that feeling alone is [...]
It is very wondrous that those that still have the memories are given the attention to continue [...]
There’s not a day that I don’t feel grateful for my amazing life and all the wonderful [...]
A Prayer As I light this candle today, I ask for love and healing for us all. [...]
There is a wonderful saying, “When man walks in nature, the angels speak to him.” This is [...]
There is a very high Guide in Spirit, I call the Teacher. The Teacher was with me [...]
An emotional roller coaster ride is how I feel today. Oh, how I wish there was a [...]
An old grey wool sock, one of those with the red and white stripe at the top, [...]
It’s getting very cold out there. Time to fill the bird feeders. We are blessed to have [...]
Shortbread was on the agenda today. I don’t know why I say agenda because I’ve been anything [...]
Thank goodness for our pets. Well, that’s what some people call them. I usually call them ‘The [...]
Happy Hanukkah, the festival of lights. To all who celebrate this beautiful celebration, let’s all hold each [...]
I’m tired today. As I say that, I can’t imagine how tired some are… the nurses and [...]
Are you aware that there will be a once in 800 years alignment of planets creating a [...]
I’m finding the air is thick with words and opinions, do’s and don’ts, quotes from every wise [...]
Though every year we put up lights, and usually have a fight, there seemed to be an [...]
Today would have been my choir’s sing-along concert. We would have joined with families and friends and [...]
Every year decorating is a busy event. The house would be filled with the noise of telling [...]
Ever feel like you’re hung up on something, stuck in one place? Don’t be surprised if you [...]
Today I started to pull out the Christmas decorations. The very first basket was one filled with [...]