It is the most amazing, growing time in the physical world. When you offer the opportunity to a [...]
A guide sums up what we need to understand about past lives. We’ve been speaking about past [...]
Sent in through my website, this person’s question asked, “What is my soul’s purpose and life’s path?” [...]
National Geographic says: Sky-watchers who set their alarm clocks early in June will be able to catch [...]
“Know that it doesn’t matter what domain you call your career. Your true task at hand for [...]
Each of you has beings that help you. Whether you choose to speak with them or not, [...]
There’s not a day that I don’t feel grateful for my amazing life and all the wonderful [...]
A Prayer As I light this candle today, I ask for love and healing for us all. [...]
Her name is Violet, which is perfect for a nature spirit darting back and forth in the [...]
It is believed that the females of most species are the life-givers, the nurturers, the healers. There [...]
When we were lucky enough to purchase an old cabin, inside were many treasures left by the [...]
Jane: I ask in the name of the highest, the brightest, and the purest, for healing words, [...]
I believe this virus is an instrument for our growth. We are present in a time of [...]
Jane shared that after a session she feels complete love. Is this state available for all of us? [...]
Do we come to this life as new souls and continue to return until we become mature [...]
Here we are coming up to our fourth gathering at Goward House on October 29th and we [...]
A guide speaks about past lives and how they resonate with us today This is an excerpt [...]
Are there any indicators to gauge whether it is time to let go of a relationship or [...]