A wonderful Being spoke about traditions teaching us, and it left me thinking. I decided to revisit [...]
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?
Facilitator: We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think of as people who have passed away [...]
There are faeries, my dear. Everything is energy. What beings have called faeries or guides, they are often seen as orbs of light. Many beings often give them the form of
Spirit Guide: Hello blessed ones. You will each feel a shift, a change, at hand. Your states of being [...]
Each being is a circle, a wholeness - body, spirit, past, present and forward willingness to future. Each of these parts of you are circles within you. For all things must come full turn to be whole.
If understanding that everything is energy, an intention is energy. A thought is energy which can create [...]
Connecting with Spirit… Ask and Wait How to wait for a confirmation without halting all of your [...]
Jane Kennard received this question: Do souls recognize other souls after? We just can’t imagine that our [...]
So many times, I’ve seen that haunted look in the eyes of someone in a crowd full [...]
Jane Kennard received this question from a young man who recently lost two of his best friends [...]
“Know that it doesn’t matter what domain you call your career. Your true task at hand for [...]
My prayer for everyone tonight is to feel the love from every heart they have loved and [...]
Not surprisingly, many people are leaving their positions right now. They call it burnout. It’s actually that [...]
Today I asked my Guide, “Everyone is so exhausted. What’s going on?” His reply was: This is [...]
Even the grumpiest old curmudgeon smiles when this band plays. I love to see eyes light up [...]
I realize I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Not only do I love to [...]
A place to take shelter from the storm. A place to nurture and restore. Where dreams are [...]
Yes, old things talk to me. Not unlike our DNA, which we can leave on articles from [...]
It’s been ages since I’ve had friends here for dinner. Old friends, actually my first spiritual circle. [...]