A wonderful Being spoke about traditions teaching us, and it left me thinking. I decided to revisit [...]
What is the guidance on how to become open and aware… in order to help these beings?
Facilitator: We have some questions about apparitions. Ghosts, we think of as people who have passed away [...]
Blessed one... it is time to walk upon your physical plane in a gentler, more accepting way. To see that it has an energy, a soul you might say. To see that all things are energy. And you
It is the most amazing, growing time in the physical world. When you offer the opportunity to a [...]
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 4 minute conversation with a Spirit Guide channeled by Psychic Medium [...]
WATCH VIDEO Sit in on this 37 minute conversation with different Spirit Guides channeled by Psychic Medium [...]
WATCH VIDEO Facilitator Question: May I ask you, if we wanted to share some information with others [...]
Jane Kennard received this question: Do souls recognize other souls after? We just can’t imagine that our [...]
So many times, I’ve seen that haunted look in the eyes of someone in a crowd full [...]
Jane Kennard received this question from a young man who recently lost two of his best friends [...]
Each of you has beings that help you. Whether you choose to speak with them or not, [...]
When we were lucky enough to purchase an old cabin, inside were many treasures left by the [...]
Jane: I ask in the name of the highest, the brightest, and the purest, for healing words, [...]
Jane shared that after a session she feels complete love. Is this state available for all of us? [...]
Do we come to this life as new souls and continue to return until we become mature [...]
A desire to connect with other kindred spirits I have been working on healing my body and [...]
Question: A concerned mum asks, is my son being supported by staff or pushed too hard in [...]
We are here today to ask about the bigger picture, not just our individual lives but our [...]