Now I have a question about drugs. There are many people in this city and cities all [...]
Here we are coming up to our fourth gathering at Goward House on October 29th and we [...]
A desire to connect with other kindred spirits I have been working on healing my body and [...]
A guide suggests ways to keep spirit and body in balance. Every day say to yourself: I [...]
Question: Can the guides confirm what was suggested in a reading a year ago, that I have [...]
Question: How does one know where he or she is in their growth, or even in the [...]
Question: A concerned mum asks, is my son being supported by staff or pushed too hard in [...]
We are here today to ask about the bigger picture, not just our individual lives but our [...]
Question Lisa lost her mother six years ago to breast cancer when she was expecting her first [...]
From as far back as I remember, I’ve had an awareness of a being that was with [...]
Question: Are spirit guides involved in the life experiences of other organisms besides humans on our earth? [...]