Transformation through Death

Would you discuss life after death as we know it.

First know that there is no death—it is transformation. Because you live in the physical world, this dimension creates perhaps an unclear understanding of the whole process. Also, for some who are working in the physical world at this time, it is important not to know the whole process

Transformation occurs when spirit leaves the physical domain, moves into the light, and there are many that embrace and call to the being. There is great celebration, rejoicing, uniting. There is also a knowing of leaving, perhaps a physical understanding of leaving those the being has loved and been with a long time. Be aware that the being is still close but not having the same communication. Sometimes this is understood as a sadness or a longing.

The purpose of this transformation is to understand the whole of one’s actions and growth in the physical domain in the lifetime. To take the passage, not of time, but of growth. To see the whole of one’s actions, to measure these against the vibrational state of one’s being, and to accept what is yet needed to be done to heighten one’s vibration.

Could you explain a bit more about this heightening of vibration?

Just as you have DNA and RNA, you have a vibrational code as well. Every act has a vibrational quota or sum total. And each act of learning multiplies in the growth and the understanding of where one is. As you move forward in your time of growth, each element of growth is offered into your spirit, into your vibrational code.

This is clear to you in the time of transformation, and you then choose what is yet to be done. It takes a while but it is not transferred in time. After this time, and when you are ready, you choose to return either to the physical life of this dimension you know and are present in, or you move to other dimensions.

Or, if you are complete in the radiance of the physical world, you may join those of us that help others. Some perhaps that you may love dearly or have made a solemn vow of vibration with that you will stay very close until they are grown.
Is that what you wanted me to speak of my child?

Yes, thank you.

Please note: This beautiful image is a painting by Cindy Christian Rogers

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  1. Michael March 17, 2008 at 7:54 am - Reply

    It sounds like there is quite a life review and assessment that happens on a vibrational level. It reminds me of the actor in the movie All That Jazz where he goes through his life after his death with the angelic guide next to him. Two issues that come up for me are to what extent we can become consious of past life experiences and why, and whether or not each incarnation exists independent of other ones on the spirit level as some teachings believe-and how they are still somehow connected if so.

  2. Kristine March 19, 2008 at 7:20 am - Reply

    I am getting so much out of this blog and many answers to my own questions through these responses.I have a question about my husband’s growth – as in not wanting to and as a result, I have chosen to step in to fill the gap. Now my health is in question and I am asking for his help financially – he seems unwilling. I feel that he wants me to do it – I am frustrated and angered beyond belief!I must be well for my children. I know they feel it. May I have some advice on what action to take?May I also ask how to wean my daughter from the breast?Thank you – I love you.

  3. Jennifer March 21, 2008 at 7:53 am - Reply

    I have concerns about my son who is in his mid 20’s who still feels the loss and sadness as a result of my divorce from his father almost 10 years ago. My son is having difficulty with finding his work in the world and financial independence. I hold my son tenderly in my heart and sometimes I worry that he may be stuck. Is there anything more I can do th support him in finding his path? He is a brilliant light. Thank you!

  4. Nicki April 14, 2008 at 6:11 pm - Reply

    My cat recently passed away. I believe he was the reincarnation of a cat I had that I loved dearly about 10 years ago. This time he was only with me a few short years. I do not know how I know but I know something intervened on earth and he was taken too soon. I feel as tho I took him to a bad vet and it resulted in his death. When I sit by his grave and call his name I can almost hear him say I’ll be back or come get me? How can I find him again? He was more than a cat to me, he was my constant companion. I feel like I cannot go on without him, miss him terribly. Can I somehow bring him back to me if not in body, then in spirit. I love him so…

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