
Trust that their passing has enlightened the world

When you feel all is dark and hopeless in the killing of these beautiful “Beings”, trust that their passing has enlightened the world. They are teaching in ways you cannot imagine.

It isn’t that they chose to die in this way but they all knew in their spirit that they came to teach and heal the world.

Be still in the pain. Your tears will be the sweet salve of healing.

Don’t hurry forward with your actions and your choices. Give this time your attention. You chose to be present now. Own it and heal it.

Jane Kennard
Spirit Wisdom
You Are Not Alone



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  1. Julie Smith May 26, 2022 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    In every moment when we look around at the world we see pain and suffering and death. Knowing that there is a purpose, that there is wisdom to be found in these moments is all we can ask for. Then we must choose how we will respond. It is a difficult time, but we need to trust there is meaning beyond what we see. Thanks for keeping the wisdom flowing.

  2. Jane May 27, 2022 at 1:29 pm - Reply

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well Julie.
    White Light.


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