Was this call for real?

Pam Case writes, “The other evening a call came in from a ‘private’ caller. Usually I do not answer these calls because they are most always selling something. For some reason I decided to answer the phone. The caller asked if I did energy healing. I was leery, but told him yes. He asked if I saw auras, or what type of healing did I do? I asked for more information about him. He then told me that he was living in Tibet and that my phone number had come to him 2 times in meditation. I could tell that it was an international call.

He said that he wasn’t selling anything, that his name was Pradush. He simply wanted to tell me that I am doing very good work for the world. He said that I’ve really transformed much in the past couple of years and that this year was going to be even more transformational for me. I thanked him and we said our goodbyes.

I like to believe that I am doing good work through my astrology and pendulum clearing work and teaching. My question for you is ‘Was this call for real’? 

What you must ask yourself my dear, is how does it make you feel?  This should be your answer, not that judging talk.  Let the moment appear. Whether you believe consciously, subconsciously, spiritually, physically, this message came to you through the wavelengths.  Judge it not, but say thank you.   You do not have to do anything with it, but know that a being has reached out and you have heard.  Worry not the manner in which it came to you, but be still with it. 

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  1. Anonymous March 19, 2010 at 1:36 pm - Reply

    I am wondering if you could tell me who I was in one of my past lives that affects who I am today. Much love and blessings. Lindsay

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