When is my beloved coming into my life?

Starlight – When is my beloved coming into my life ? Will I meet them where I am living or while traveling? I call onto my path the one who holds me in the highest esteem……Any guidance would be wonderful…I know I am complete and everything I need comes from the divine but I am also here to open up fully and completely into intamacy with another beautful soul…..I know who I am and it is only for my on souls growth all of this information…… any guidance from you amazing being would be wonderful…..Blessings.

Namaste.  It is because you trust, you create a wonderful path for you and your beloved. The element of time is a frustration. Why don’t you embrace it instead?  Why don’t you believe that he is getting ready to be exactly what you need, just as you are?  Bless you my child.

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