wondering if she is with the right partner

Lindsay asks if she is with the right partner.  Do you have any words for her?
There is a great deal of chaos around you my dear.   A lot of thinking.  This is why you do not know.  If you can create some stillness, some quiet, and be at peace and be not so hurried, you will know.
I must not take from this one’s growth.

It isn’t so much that this one needs to think more, but to have some stillness in order to be.  There is too much noise and too many voices in her head for her to know her truth.

Be still my dear.


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  1. Anonymous December 11, 2009 at 9:57 pm - Reply

    hello, i have been working on connecting to my spirit guides this past year and i am not receiving feedbackthat i can understand. do you have suggestions for me that would help connect me to my guides. i thank you for this very inspiring blog. leanne

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