Working through trust issues in a relationship

Jenn writes, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months. We have been very happy but recently have been working through some challenges. At times, I notice I am very hesitant and reluctant to be loved. I am unsure why I feel such resistance to dependency and trust and would love some insight on this. I worry I am hurting my partner spiritually by being emotionally unavailable at times. I want to build a future with this person but feel I need to do some work to be a better partner. Thank you so much for your wonderful knowledge and love.

Spirit Guide’s Reply:
Dearest blessed one, it is good to ask questions.  It is good to see yourself and hear your voice and question why the answers and feelings that lie within you are present.  Remember that you are the sum total of all the wonder you have grown and been through–the good, the bad and what you might even think as the ugly.  It is all part of your work, your growing, the wonder of your being.  See not any one part of you as being negative but see all parts–some whole, some unbalanced, some balanced.  Be not afraid to embrace that that you be.  But also understand that in your partnership there are two partners.

You seem to have claimed all that that is unbalanced.  It is not so. For that that was created stood within you, well, you wonder if you are not trusting for a reason that is truth or if it is an old way of an old hurt.  This is what confuses you, child.  So, be still in your feelings.  Be in them, feel them.  Look upon the one you wish to be with and question where does this come from?  Be not afraid to embrace, to understand it.  If something in your path was present but you learned from it, it does not have to hold you back, but has now become   a tool where you can see the learning again.  Is that what is happening?  This is what you are asking.

Take time now to be sure of what you feel and who you be and bring into your life that that will bring you comfort.  Do not judge yourself; embrace yourself in the wonder that you be.  I think you will understand this.  Thank you, child.

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  1. JS October 14, 2010 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    First I want to thank you for coming through to speak with me and providing comfort and love.
    I am in such a confusing place in my life. I am not sure where I am to be but I do feel like I am in the midst of one of my life’s promises. I felt compelled to create the situation that I am in but find it very difficult and challenging. I keep trying to figure it all out but none of my solutions feel right. Is the being that grows inside me going to bring me and my partner closer together and fulfill us as I pray it will or were we just the means to bring through a new entity? I am not even sure exactly what to ask, but I need comfort. I hope that you know what type of answers I am looking for as I can’t seem to find the words to express what I need. Can you please also tell me about my spirit guides and who they may be so that I can speak directly to them?
    I send all my love and I appreciate you so very much.


  2. almandine October 15, 2010 at 3:22 am - Reply

    Hello all,

    I wanted to know what you guys have to say about mental/mood disorders like ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder. I don’t think that these are actual “diseases” that result from chemical imbalances in the brain and require medication. I think it’s just so much more complicated than that. What do you think? What are the general causes? Do people actually *need* meds to treat these disorders, or is it something usually much more complicated and deeper?

    Also, I was on a lot of medications when I was a child and I don’t think I ever needed them. Do you think they did any long term damage to me? I think my self esteem may just be low from being told that there was something wrong with me…Was there something wrong with me because of the sexual “shock to my spiritual being”? I don’t know exactly what shock you were talking about, I can’t remember that early. What did you mean?

    Thank you so much,

    Love and Light to you!

  3. Sahara Wind October 16, 2010 at 6:26 am - Reply

    Hello – the guides shared many years ago that I would meet a wonderful man with a boat and experience love. I feel ready now and wonder why he is not here yet. Is there anything I need to take care of? Is it still a matter of time, or something on his side?
    Sending love to all.

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