You are free to ask

Dear blog readers and followers,

For the past few months we have been charging a fee for bringing your questions forward to the spirit guides, but from now until the end of this year we are offering this service without charge.  We want to encourage anyone who has a question for the guides to post it.  We get together several times a month to speak with various spirit guides channeled by Jane and we will ask the guides for a response to your question and then post the answer here.  You can post anonymously if you like, or use a different name, as the guides will know who is asking the question even without identifying information.

See the sidebar for details about posting a question. We hope that these changes will invite more people to ask both personal and broad topic questions of the spirit guides. Please make the questions as concise as you can and stay open to the answers.


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  1. Elizabeth October 26, 2011 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    Oh I must say I love the title “You are Free to ask”, pun intended? :D
    kiss kiss,

  2. H October 26, 2011 at 2:42 pm - Reply

    Dear ladies & guides what a lovely offer ….. Christmas has come early. I thought I would be quick to beat the rush :-)

    Money is very tight at the moment (as I know is the case for all), and the additional work I have been doing seems to have dried up. What practical things can I do to improve my financial situation, as there is never enough to stretch? I try not to dream of achieving the bigger things, as I realise financially they are not possible right now, but one day will I be independent?

    Please can you also tell me, will I soon be able to recognise my own personal connection with the spirit realm?

    Thank you x

  3. moofy October 26, 2011 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    Oh you guys are so generous, thank you. Alright, I have a question…As you know, the Occupy Wallstreet movement is going on right now. I wanted to know, how do we deal with police brutality? How do we deal with the police when they start attacking PEACEFUL protests? What is the best method of action here?

    Also, I wanted to ask…How do you think I, personally, would best help the Occupy movement? What could I bring to it? What do you think I would best be suited to doing?

    Thank you for this blog! It has brought me out of darkness many times! Your work is appreciated by many, what a gift you ladies and guides are! Peace and love to you!

  4. nicole October 26, 2011 at 5:21 pm - Reply

    Dear guides, I suffer from severe anxiety. It is so bad that it is as if I cannot think, I cannot slow down enough to do anything right. I freeze, I can’t take directions, can’t do math, nothing…Why am I like this? Furthermore, how to I become more calm and down to earth so I can function? I am afraid to drive even, because I get lost and confused so easily. I wasn’t always like this…I want to take my place in society, what do I do to be able to calm down and function? It’s like my brain doesn’t work. Please help me if you can. Thanks so much.

  5. maurice October 27, 2011 at 9:24 am - Reply

    Dear friends! I would like to know, why i have so much problem finding someone (love life)? Sometimes i wonder if i met too be alone. If it’s that, i don’t mind, i will accept it. But only wanna know. thanks

  6. Funtastic October 27, 2011 at 12:00 pm - Reply

    Thank you guides and helpers for your service. Much light and love to you all. This morning I dreamed that I was being raped. I do feel wronged by what has happened to me with the Occupy group. I did what I did because I felt so attacked, disrespected, abused, bullied, misunderstood, and conspired against. I know I made some mistakes, but I know that I do not deserve this. I wish I had been stronger to not let the negativity, the emails and the postings, get to me in that way. Is this what my upcoming move is related to? Is my reputation now ruined in this place, and I will need to move? You know my heart and my intentions with why I got involved. What is my best course of action going forward? I feel so hurt and as a result I wanted to make them have to basically start over. What is the best way that I can still contribute to the Occupy movement, not necessarily locally, going forward? I want to be able to cry to allow my feelings to flow. I may not know exactly what to ask, but I hope you are able to tell me what I need to hear/know, and I hope I have the strength to heed it. Thank you.

  7. Shoshanna October 27, 2011 at 5:43 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for this gift! What can I do about all of these recurring dreams that I have? What do they mean? When I feel people in dreams, is it really them coming to visit me? Thank you!

  8. KOJ October 28, 2011 at 7:34 pm - Reply

    My question has two parts: The first part: if predetermined promises with others and ourselves are made before our lives start, and if our choices determine our direction and experiences with other beings or ourselves, how do predicted experiences or projects come to be? How can it be forseen that certain events with specific people or works of art or science can be known?
    Part 2: My promise with DUH, are we done yet or rather should I give up the trek at this point and move forward? What more, if anything can I do or is it a lost cause from here on? Does he care about any of it at all or is he stuck where he is? Many many thanks and love.

  9. RGP October 31, 2011 at 12:15 pm - Reply

    I just recently had a big “spiritual breakdown” recently. My head was spinning, my heart chakra expanded so huge and I fell to the floor nearly hyperventilating. I had been having thoughts and visions of being a StarBeiOnce experiences that didn’t seem to make sense to me suddenly clicked. Once I acknowledged this, I feel fine now. I still “channel” messages from guides and spirits, but I am wondering if this will lead into doing more Mediumship to help others. Or what I am supposed to do with the information that I receive? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

  10. Jude Isobelle October 31, 2011 at 7:11 pm - Reply

    My question is so all-encompassing that I don’t even know how to reduce it. My grown son lives with me and is miserable; I am facing bankruptcy, although not for debt incurred by myself; I am afraid of people; and have no family or community. When I finally, finally die (which I want to), my son will be all alone, and his suffering is all my fault because I gave him everything I had or could think of and it wasn’t nearly enough. I’ve prayed and asked for help, but don’t know if there was ever a response. My heart and soul and body collapsed a year ago, and I am back at work, still trying to do the very highest and holiest thing, every day. I’ve given life, every day, as much as I have to give, but I am an absolute failure. Everything I believed would be wonderful turned out horrible. And although the Universe seemed to give me many internal gifts and the passion to live a holy life, to make the world a better place, every road I’ve ever explored has led to the place of the nightmares that terrorized my every night in childhood. Now I think that those dreams were precognitive: lost in the dark while the last light disappears, unnoticed by those I’m struggling to keep up with; the still black, inky waters waiting to take me; the silent concrete dirty streets with giant buildings and no life anywhere; desolation…despair …people talking to each other, but no one talks to me. Everything I’ve tried has been futile. But I’m not giving up. No matter what the cost, one does the right thing, inasmuch as that can be determined. But I am so so tired. So alone. Will I die and go to the dark place, lost forever? Does anyone anywhere care that I exist? Or will I be abandoned forever?

  11. Spiritually Radiant December 27, 2011 at 1:37 pm - Reply

    Dear guides,

    What can you tell me about the man who will be my husband in this lifetime and about our children? Do they have any messages for us?


    Spiritually Radiant

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