You live in a time when you can make contact and not be real
K.C. hurt me really badly and I almost became an angry and bitter woman. How do I dissolve this hurt and this anger? Why was he so cruel to me? No one has ever hurt me in the way that he has. I became very romantic with him via texting, he responded positively, but then he cut off the communication abruptly. He so mislead me, and I felt deeply, deeply hurt and rejected. In a previous answer you told me that there would be a happy ending, but I guess you meant with someone other than K.C.
The guide’s response:
Dearest one, you know deep in your heart that there never was a real relationship. It was a creation of your desire and your needs and a creation of his needs, but none of it was true. None of it was real.
Seek out that that is in the physical, my dear. See face to face, voice to voice, heart to heart. Both of you have created something that you imagined was real because you needed that. When the reality set in, fear set in and withdrawal occurred.
You live in a time where you can make contact and not be real. This is what has occurred and you must be real. You must have touch, sound, real human being to human being. You did nothing wrong. You just were just following a dream, a want, a great desire. Don’t be afraid of that part of you, but go out into your world amongst your world and move amongst people. See who is there to touch, to be, to be part of the real world for you.
It was not ever meant to be more than a flirtation and it served that pure purpose, my dear. Do not put any negatives to it but allow it to be a simple exercise awakening part of you and it did. Bless you my child. Be not afraid to be loved.